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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

IMPLANTOLOGY: Dental Implants

Dental implantology is a branch of modern dentistry, which discusses the replacement of missing teeth with artificial prostheses fixed to the jaws. During the last two decades, Indications for dental implants progressively changed from that of completely lacking teeth cases to partially edentulous ones, now presented in many dental offices. According to most patients having dental implants, despite the expensiveness of the treatment, it is worth the price.
Bad Cholesterol: Your Heart and Brain's Enemy!

Surely, you have heard the expression "bad cholesterol" and maybe this has worried you. In fact, bad cholesterol poses a real threat to your health. Scientific studies suggest that high blood levels of this compound raise the risk of heart attack and stroke. But don't worry! There are some ways of lowering the bad cholesterol in your body.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Kicking food addiction

Food addicts are people who become dependent on food to gain enjoyment or stop discomfort by binging on certain foods and continue this even after satiety, terminating at the point of feeling mortified. They experience changes in tendency and attitude that are before every other consideration biochemical. The only answer is complete abstinence, outside support to remain food abstemious, and emotive work to move toward the readiness to do the essentials of the recovery process.